Well this site is now “in progress” or as some people might say. Never done.

If you have yet to try to make websites or a little page in your life i would recomend it. Many think its a waste of time and effort to make and configure. But truelly its the hardest work but it pays off the most out of anything I have done before. Just the progress of desiginging something, failing, building it back up a whole diffrent way. Repeating that over and over again. I just find that fun and rewarding to do.

If your looking to make your verry first website there are some awesome resources i have found..


Codeacademy is HIGHLY recomended by me, Thats were i first learned to design basic sites and make progress faster than anywere else i could. Thier resources for javascript and html have become indespensable to me and my progression, im even still refering back to it now.


Google?, Yes Google! The BIGGEST resource of information ever! With how data and information is everywere now its become super easy to find people with the same problem as you. Just google what your having an issue with like

{{% if page.layout != null %}} statment not working jekyll

Your guarenteed to find someone that has that same issue even with more complex stuff.

Well thats it for now. Signing out and commiting this to the internet now.

Thanks! - Wferr