
I mean who doesnt have a todo list now days?

So.. If you know me I’m not terribly great at keeping on track of things I need to do in life. Some people use calendars but for some reason I hate colanders, IM not sure why but I just do. So most of the time I resort to just trying to remember what I have to do. Which “sure” that works but still it sometimes does not suffice. For small notes and such I find Google keep quite nice. (Our Google overlords approve of having all of our personal data) I’ve tried out other solutions like Trello.

There are so many things that I need to continue working on and improving.. here is a short list for my future reference..

LinusPebbleTips ThePebbleAlliance (I love my pebble :3 )


Its pretty freakin’ awesome!

But it has it use cases… I have found that for more todo lists for your self it works like crap. No reason why you need something with as many features as it has for just keeping track of personal items. But for a group of people it works miracles. Being able to categorize items and have them in a nice to understand and easy layout is a life saver. Using documents and making a todo list on that is like child play compared to what trello can do.